How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Find Your Toothpaste Today! What is the difference between a periapical and a periodontal abscess? Is there a cure for periodontitis? What are the different treatments for periodontal disease?
Can periodontal disease be treated?
If there is an associated infection, incision and drainage of associated spaces with systemic antibiotic treatment may be necessary. Periapical periodontitis may develop into a periapical abscess, where a collection of pus forms at the end of the root, the consequence of spread of infection from the tooth pulp (odontogenic infection), or into a periapical cyst, where an epithelial line fluid filled structure forms. How periapical periodontitis is treated depends in part on what treatments have already been performed and on how advanced the inflammation is.
Acute apical periodontitis. Various methods can be used in the nonsurgical management of periapical lesions: the conservative root canal treatment , decompression technique, active nonsurgical decompression technique, aspiration-irrigation technique, method using calcium hydroxide, Lesion Sterilization and Repair Therapy, and the Apexum procedure. Single lesions of apical periodontitis may or may not present with clinical symptoms including pain, tenderness and swell-ing. Periapical bone resorption, although representing tissue destruc-tion, occurs as part of the defensive process.
For example, if an incorrect assessment is made, then improper management may result.
This could include performing endodontic treatment when it is not needed or providing no treatment or some other therapy when root canal treatment is truly indicated. Chronic apical periodontitis is generally a non-painful condition in which the apical portion (i.e. the part around the tip) of a tooth’s root is chronically inflamed. The term chronic means the condition has been present for a significant length of time (at least several weeks, and sometimes much longer).
A periodontal abscess usually occurs as a complication of advanced gum disease ( periodontitis ). However, it may occur secondary to a periapical abscess. The periapical tissues undergo changes during the progression of dental caries. The presence of inflammation makes it tender when tapping or chewing on it. Slowly applied pressure may not be as painful. Sometimes the phases of periapical periodontitis pass quickly, and diagnosis is made once it has extended over the whole periodontium (end of second and beginning of third phase).
In acute condition there is an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes, fatigue, fever and malaise. An untimely treatment could lead to endodontic abscess. It is designed as a complementary step after standard root canal treatment.
If you suspect that you have a periapical abscess, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. Because periapical abscess won’t go away on its own and untreated abscess may spread to other areas such as the jaw and neck. Also, periapical abscess can’t be treated at home. According to statistics, over of the diseases of the dentoalveolar system are periodontal inflammations, only caries and pulpitis outpace them.
Лечението на периодонтитите е трудна и отговорна задача.
Periodontitis is a common inflammatory disease in the periapical tissues. Голямото им разнообразие (остри, хронични, екзацербирали), индивидуалните особености на кореновите канали на зъбите (криви, стеснени, непроходими), и защитните. In a periapical abscess, usually the origin is a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft, often dea pulp of the tooth.
This can be caused by tooth decay, broken teeth or extensive periodontal disease (or combinations of these factors). A failed root canal treatment may also create a similar abscess.
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