Is there any pain associated with dental implants? How painful is a dental implant? What to expect with dental implants pain? What causes pain after a dental implant? Follow The Post-Procedure Instructions.
The dental implant itself is not a tooth—it is a metal post that acts as a root for an artificial tooth.
During this procedure , your own roots are replaced with these metal posts. Depending on several factors, the procedure may require several different stages over a period of several months. First, the damaged tooth or teeth are remove and then your jaw will need to be prepared. Many people who get dental implants worry about the pain associated with the surgery. Most dental procedures do include some discomfort during and after surgery , and implant surgery is no exception.
Your pain after dental implant is place will stem from removing your teeth, cutting into gums, drilling your jawbone, and then inserting the post. There may be minimal pain the day of getting a dental implant and the night after giving way to mild to moderate soreness after the first days. The soreness should be able to be managed with Ibuprofen or Tylenol.