Thursday, October 20, 2016

Periodontal ligament pain relief

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Fast-acting, long-lasting, powerful pain relief that works! Learn Facts About The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis. A healthy tooth is usually held in the jaw by the following factors: alveolar bone, ligaments and gums.

Maintaining a solid dental hygiene routine just requires following a few simple instructions: Floss at least once a day, brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and at night, and skip the mouthwash. The initial symptom from a tooth sprain is pain. Dentists specifically look for dull or achy pain as indication of a ligament sprain. You may also experience a sharp, localized pain in one tooth.

If the pain generates in an open area or is hard to locate, it may be indication of an infection or toothache. Another cause of STS can be accidental trauma or trauma from a small object such as a popcorn seed or a bone in a piece of meat. This trauma can cause temporary periodontal ligament damage and swelling which can cause the tooth to supra-erupt into a harmful position which can then indefinitely prolong the inflammation. The nerve of a tooth is frequently the culprit when it comes to causing dental pain and discomfort, especially when it has been injured as a result of an accident or dental disease.

Pain related to an unhealthy nerve tends to be progressive – giving clear clues to the fact that the tooth is dying.

This ligament , which is mainly composed of water, also acts as a shock absorber. You can also try over the counter products such as Tylenol, Motrin or Advil. The doctor may prescribe ibuprofen, or they may suggest dental surgery to remedy the problem.

See your dentist for the best treatment. But when a toothache won’t go away in spite of the fact that the tooth pulp is healthy based on examination and x- ray investigation, believe it or not, it may be due to a sprained ligament. PDL tissue fibers are actually very sensitive and light trauma to this ligament can result in discomfort. Most trauma to the tooth will easily cause bruising—and where there is bruising, pain and soreness often follow.

Conditions that may lead to an inflamed periodontal ligament include grinding your teeth and biting into something too hard. It sounds like your dentist has suggested you a root canal as treatment for your constant pain from this tooth and you are sceptic about it (rather have the tooth extracted than a RC). Regarding your question: a root canal treatment helps per definition when there is an inflammation at the periodontal ligament. What is the primary function of the periodontal ligament?

What can be done for periodontal ligament pain? How long does a bruised tooth ligament take to heal? Can You bruise a tooth? Periodontal Ligament Pain Relief - Pain Gone in Days or Less! The ligament will enlarge with a development of mobility or loosening of the tooth.

Once the excessive forces on a tooth are reduce it will heal and allow the mobility to decrease. Advanced gum disease may lead to the destruction of bone and with it the loss of the periodontal ligament.

Thus, in areas where the ligament has been lost, the adjacent bone is no longer attached to the tooth and cannot provide any support. The periodontal ligament (PDL) is a lining around the root of the tooth. It absorbs the shock of chewing, and holds the tooth firmly in place.

Cells in the periodontal ligament can degenerate and regenerate. The condition of a worn out tooth ligament is called chronic peridontitis and is a primary cause of tooth loss. In cases of chronic oral pain , neurons in the brain stem (nucleus caudalis) are chemically stimulate enhancing the frequency and intensity of the pain signal to the brain.

Glutamate and other chemicals bind to the NMDA receptor, sensitizing the postsynap-tic neuron and adding to the local pain response. Irreversible inflammation progresses to necrosis (death) and infection of the pulp. Your doctor or dentist can prescribe a prescription anti-inflammatory medication for periodontal ligament pain. The process of necrosis often causes spontaneous pain and toothache. Infection spreads into the surrounding bone and gum tissues through the root openings,.

Other signs and symptoms of the periodontal abscess include: Sudden, throbbing, persistent pain. Pain with biting or chewing. The gum is swollen and painful to touch.

Teeth are supported by the gums, or gingiva and bone.

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