Friday, June 17, 2016

Reasons gums recede

When gum recession occurs, pockets, or gaps, form between the teeth and gum line, making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. It’s just one form of gum (periodontal) disease. This is a serious consequence of poor oral health, which may lead to tooth loss. These are gum infections, caused by bacteria, that destroy gum tissue and the bone that holds your teeth in place. This recession can not only be unsightly and harmful to the teeth, but painful as well.

Periodontal disease is the main cause of gum recession.

Gum recession can cause tooth sensitivity and even loose teeth. Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissue and bone that hold teeth in place. As the disease progresses, the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets that harbor bacteria, leading to an infection. Gum disease can be painless, so it is important to be aware of any of the following symptoms: Swollen, re tender or bleeding gums.

Gums that recede or move away from the tooth. Persistent bad breath or bad taste in mouth. Visible pus surrounding the teeth and gums.

In addition to the pain, you should be able to observe if you have receding gums by examining them visually or consulting with your dentist. In other words, the only reason gums recede is because the bone that supports the gum tissue has withdrawn.

Incidentally, there’s a direct connection between receding gums and sensitive teeth. Here’s an article that explores solutions to help you stop sensitive teeth for good (at home). This dental condition can happen due to several reasons , including genetic abnormalities, poor dental hygiene, gum disease, diabetes, smoking and pregnancy. Unlike the crown of the tooth, the roots do not have a protective enamel coating. This makes the exposed roots sensitive and prone to decay.

Once the gum tissue has receded from the teeth, it cannot grow back. There are a variety of factors that impact this condition and most gum recession is treatable. Here is our best advice about what causes receding gums and treatment options for gum recession. If you have gum recession, your dentist.

When teeth are healthy, gum tissue fits around each tooth like a cuff. In a tooth with gum recession, the gum tissue has pulled away from the tooth. There are a lot of different reasons why people get receding gums. Common causes include periodontitis (gum disease), bruxism (clenching and grinding), overzealous brushing, habits, or using a stiff toothbrush.

In some cases, rapid tooth movement from orthodontic therapy can also lead to recession. Damage to the gums caused by improper brushing is progressively accumulated over the years, resulting in receding gum line. Receding gums may be one of the first signs of gum disease. Older women after menopause can suffer from osteoporosis.

Loss of mass from alveolar bone that is supporting the gums and teeth can cause gingival recession.

Other possible causes of receding gums include: Poor oral hygiene. Inadequate brushing or flossing may not directly causing gum recession, but it allows the overgrowth of mouth bacteria and the accumulation of. Aggressive brushing: Rough brushing causes the tooth enamel to wear out. It can also cause recession of the gums. Tobacco usage: Whether it is smoking or chewing tobacco, all forms of tobacco usage can result in receding gums.

Gums damaged by tobacco take longer to heal as it weakens the body’s general immunity and cell-repair capability.

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