What causes receding gums and how to stop it? How gum recession could shorten the life of your teeth? What does gum recession feel like? Can clenching your teeth cause gum recession?
Severe gum disease, called periodontitis, occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that can infect the gums.
When this happens, gums can separate from the teeth , causing your teeth to loosen. Treatments options for loose teeth due to gum disease include deep cleaning, reshaping antibiotics or bone grafting,. Symptoms of Gum Recession Gum recession can lead to sensitivity of the teeth , to hot or cold food due to exposed root surface. Tooth loosening into its socket.
Caries into the cervical area of the teeth due to food or plaque getting enlodged in. Teeth appear longer due to exposed root surface. As receding gums worsen, the gum pockets deepen due to loss of attachment structure.
Causes of Receding Gums. Dental Pro Is without Doubt The Best Gum Disease Remedy.
Your teeth are held in place by firm and healthy gums. Although loose teeth in children are totally normal, loose teeth in adults usually mean gum disease has been permitted to damage and weaken the grip your gums require to holding your teeth in place.