Can clenching your jaw cause tooth pain? How to relieve TMJ swelling? Could an infected tooth be causing pain in my jaw? If you have swelling of the gums, face or cheek related to tooth pain , you may have an infection.
Tooth decay, gum disease or cracked teeth are common causes of toothaches — and the source of most dental infections.
A tooth abscess is a collection of infected material (pus) in the center of a tooth. It is due to bacterial infection. Depending on the cause, your jaw may feel stiff or you may have pain and tenderness in the.
The infected tooth may look completely normal on the surface, though the gums around it may be swollen and red. Dental x-rays and other tests are needed to pinpoint which tooth (or teeth) is causing the jaw swelling and pain. Aside from getting rid of the infection, the goal of treatment is to save the tooth and prevent further complications.
Toothaches and jaw pain are common, but their sources can be very different. Learn more from WebMD about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of tooth pain.