Thursday, September 21, 2017

Disease that affects the gums around the teeth

It tends to affect families and causes rapid progression of bone and tooth loss if untreated. Necrotizing periodontal disease is characterized by the death of gum tissue, tooth ligaments and supporting bone caused by lack of blood supply (necrosis), resulting in severe infection. This type generally occurs in people with a suppressed immune system — such as from HIV infection, cancer treatment or other causes — and malnutrition. The three stages of gum disease — from least to most severe — are gingivitis , periodontitis and advanced periodontitis.

Other potential causes of gum disease include the following: Genetics. Food stuck in the gums frequently (may be due to a malocclusion).

Mouth breathing (may lead to severe drying of the gums and teeth in front of the mouth). In the long run, an untreated form of periodontitis can cause issues for bones, tissues, and gums around the teeth. Although a lesser known complication in diabetes, gum disease is quite a headache. Around one-third of diabetic patients suffer from gum disease at least once in their lifetime. Are you looking for never-ending fun in this exciting logic-brain app?

Each world has more than groups with puzzles each. Some of the worlds are: Planet Earth, Under The Sea, Inventions, Seasons, Circus,. It happens when bacteria and plaque build up around the tooth, and the immune system launches a reaction.

Good oral hygiene is part of both treatment and prevention, but sometimes surgery is necessary too.

These structures include the: It can progress from gingivitis, which is the first stage of periodontal disease and only affects the gums , to the other structures. If it progresses, severe periodontal ( gum ) disease can develop. Gum tissue pulls away from the teeth , allowing the bacteria to destroy the underlying bone supporting the teeth.

Find out Diseases that affect the tissues around teeth. CodyCross is a famous newly released game which is developed by Fanatee. It has many crosswords divided into different worlds and groups.

Learn Facts About The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis. How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Healthy Oral Care Routine.

Many cases have ranged in the past few years of adults suffering from some sort of gum disease. Gum disease if untreated for long can cause the loss of teeth. Both types may cause gum swelling and redness around a tooth.

Tartar makes it more difficult to brush and clean between your teeth. Your gums become red and swollen, and bleed easily—signs of unhealthy or inflamed gums , called gingivitis. When gingivitis is not treate it can advance to gum disease called periodontitis.

In periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth and form spaces, called pockets. Mild forms of the condition are gingivitis, with more severe forms known as periodontitis. Periodontal disease is a chronic infection of bacteria around the teeth.

The condition affects the gums , underlying bones of a tooth and the tooth itself. If gum disease is not treate you can have gums that are always sore, red and puffy, get a painful infection (called an abscess) in the area between your teeth and gums or lose your teeth. Without enough gum tissue and bone to hold your teeth in place, they can become loose and fall out.

When this happens, the depth of the collar of gum tissue around your teeth increases. In later stage gum disease , these pockets become too deep. The problem is that it then becomes difficult to remove the food and debris by brushing and flossing. This causes the pockets to become progressively deeper and the gum disease to worsen. A snug fit between tooth and gum (no more than mm) makes it easier to remove plaque bacteria from beneath the gum line, where it can affect the attachment of gum tissue to the tooth.

Any space over mm deep may signify gum disease , particularly if gums bleed. DENTAL BONE LOSS : Loss of bone supporting the teeth is the main result of periodontal disease , which is also called gum disease. Additional issues with the 2nd and 3rd molar relationship.

In some people who are susceptible to gum disease , the body over-reacts to the bacteria around the gums and causes too much inflammation.

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